Sunday, November 29, 2009

My Christmas Wish List 2009

This last Sunday of the last weekend in November is the beginning of the Christmas season. I've been listening to Christmas music, vacuuming and cleaning, and preparing to bake rhubarb crisp. I've been giving thought to what I'd like for Christmas, as we have most of what we need. People ARE going to buy us gifts, and I'd like them to be ones we can use.

A friend of mine, @jezebelcapture mentioned that she wanted to see people's Christmas lists. Hers includes: "#giftlist Stop by more. Have dinner parties (to which I'm invited). Tell me you love me.
Send more pictures. Invite L for slumber parties."

In this economy, and considering what most people's families are like, maybe spending time IS the more important thing this year. But, there's also the opinion that my friend @sculfy has: "I've tried not doing list, people buy stuff anyway. I'd rather they spend their money on something I might actually use".

I feel that there's a place for lists and a place for altruistic wishes. So, here's my mash-up of what I want for Christmas 2009.

  1. Missouri to ban the use of the gas chamber for unwanted animals.
  2. 100 More foster homes for Safe Haven.
  3. Verizon MiFi 2200
  4. A great Birthday Party in January with all my friends there
  5. A fun BBQ with the new charcoal grill this summer.
  6. A new deck. IBissel Pet Hair Eraser OR Dyson Ball I lean toward the Dyson--more expensive, yes, but no extra pieces to constantly replace. I hate HEPA filters and belts, which at $9 and $5 per purchase, add on $40-60 per year in costs. The Dyson doesn't have these things and comes with a 5-year warranty
  7. A copier that scans photos and negatives.
  8. A push mower
  9. A rain catcher

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