Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Troll under my deck


So, this lovely 3-level compost bin has been collecting my plant scraps for about a month now. I love the idea of composting, but I am a little bit scared of what's going on in there. So, I looked up composting and found out I'm doing several things incorrectly. Compost needs:
1. Sunlight
2. Turning/churning
3. Mix of brown and green
4. Addition of dirt

So, apparently, I just have a rot pile going on, not a compost bin. I'm going to try to do better by adding more "brown" and dirt and I've moved it to a part of the yard that gets more sun than under the deck. I'm concerned with the number of drown grubs that I found in the bin, I think I better have our yard treated for grubs. Our neighbors have problems with raccoons (they have had 18 removed humanely) which tear up their sod to eat the grubs underneath. I have never seen a raccoon in our yard, but that's the last thing we need! As for churn, I am not sure if I want to attempt to do that. I am not very coordinated.

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